
Basic FISH Protocol - Paraffin

Unless noted otherwise, all incubations take place at room temperature Heat tissues to 60°C for 10 mins Deparaffinize and rehydrate tissue sections through series of xylenes and ethanol incubations a. Xylenes or alternative (Citrisolve, Histoclear) incubate 2 times, 5 min each incubation (2 x 5 min) b. 100% ethanol, 5 min c. 95% ethanol, 5 min d. 70% ethanol, 5 min Rinse the slides once in dH20 Wash with PBS for 5 mins Antigen retrieval: Preheat BD retrievagen A solution (BD Pharmigen cat# 550524) in coplin jar in steamer.

Preparing Y-Chromosome Probe

Generate Y chromosome template DNA If you are starting with an aliquot of 2-4 µl template DNA, amplify the DNA several (2-3) times by DOP-PCR to generate Y chromosome template. This will be your Y chromosome template stock. Then each time you make probe use DNA from this stock for another batch (8 reaction) DOP-PCR and subsequent labeling. Do not repeatedly amplify DOP-PCR as this can bias the oligos generated by selecting for a subpopulation of oligos that amplify particularly well.

Preparing slides for FISH

Protocol for preparation of slides with bone marrow or peripheral blood for fluorescence in situ hybridization

Basic FISH Protocol - Frozen

Unless noted otherwise, all incubations take place at room temperature Equilibrate frozen sections to RT Wash in 2xSSC, incubate two times, 3 min each incubation (2x3min) Incubate in 0.2 M HCL for 10 min at room temperature Wash in 2xSSC 2x3min Incubate in 1M NaSCN for 20 min at 75-80°C Wash in 2xSSC 2x3min Water rinse Ethanol dehydrate (70%, 95%, 100%), 1 min each Air-dry slides Hybridization: pre-heat probe to 75°C, vortex to mix